along with g. to d. : Milt Hinton, a stranger, Keg Johnson.
the second of the first three degrees of Masonry, from apprentice (1) and master (3rd) *.
This is a topic that can not be found at the front of French magazines like L'Express and Le Point even if they too oftenly deal with Freemasons! And because there is little study on jazz and Freemasonry. More reason to welcome the research Raphaël IMBERT who, more than being an accomplished saxophonist, has undertaken to initiate the uninitiated that we are the relationships between jazz and Masonic lodges. By empowering African Americans, Freemasonry also allowed jazzmen to create a new corporatism close to a fraternity. The Hi De Ho Blog is particularly focused on Brother Cab Calloway, introduced to the masonry by his musicians.
The recent parution of "Jazz Supreme: initiés, mystiques et prophètes" (2014, L'éclat) is the reason for us to update this 2008 article.
It all started in Minneapolis...
The brotherhood among jazz musicians
*Photo from Milt HINTON, "Playing the Changes", 2008
Sources and referecens:
"Jazz Supreme: initiés, mystiques et prophètes", Raphaël IMBERT, L'Eclat, 2014
"Jazz en vie. De l'exemplarité du fait spirituel et maçonnique chez les musiciens de jazz", Raphaël IMBERT, in L'homme, #200 (pp 141-174), 2011
"Jazz, une affaire d'initiés ?", Raphaël IMBERT, shortened version published in Jazz Magazine, February 2008.
"Du spirituel dans le jazz", Raphaël IMBERT, Mouvement 47, Spring 2008.
Noirs et francs-maçons, Cécile REVAUGER, éditions Edimaf
Playing the Changes, Milt HINTON et David BERGER, Vanderbilt University Press, 2008
Jazz from the Beginning, Garvin BUSHELL, Da Capo Press, 1998
Someone to Watch Over Me, Franck BUCHMANN-MOLLER, University of Michigan Press, 2008
"Cab Calloway, un initié du jazz", Raphaël IMBERT & Jean-François PITET, Initiations Magazine #28, Juin-Juillet 2009
Many thanks to Raphaël Imbert for the precious informations we exchanged, and to Brendan Henehan from Minneapolis for the local documents he kindly provided.