“Minnie The Moocher”: the forgotten lyrics

Tout le monde a déjà entendu quelques milliers de fois la chanson Minnie The Moocher, qui fut le thème de Cab de 1931 à 1994. Tout le monde sait que son succès vint d'une improvisation de Cab à cause d'un oubli des paroles de la chanson. Et c'est bien normal puisqu'elle compte pas moins de 7 couplets.
Habituellement, seuls les 4 premiers sont chantés. Possesseur d'une partition d'époque, je suis heureux de vous proposer de découvrir l'intégralité des lyrics de cette chanson maintes fois reprise.

Hey folks heres the story bout minnie the moocher
She was a lowdown hoocie coocher
She was the roughest toughest frail
But Minnie had a heart as big as a whale

She messed around with a bloke named smokie
She loved him though he was cokey
He took her down to chinatown
And showed her how to kick the gong around

She had a dream about the king of sweden
He gave her things that she was needin
He gave her a home built of gold and steel
A diamond car with platinum wheels

He gave her his townhouse and his racing horses
Each meal she ate was a dozen courses
Had a million dollars worth of nickels and dimes
She sat around and counted them all a million times

*******Les versets "inédits"**********

Now Min' and Smokey they started jaggin'
They got a free ride in a wagon
She gave him the money to pay her bail
But he left her flat in the County Jail

Poor Minnie met old Deacon Low-Down
He preached to her she ought to slow down
But Minnie wiggled her jelly roll
Deacon Low-Down hollered "Oh save my soul"

They took her where they put the crazies
Now poor old Min' is kickin' up daisies
You've heard my story, this ends the song
She was just a good gal but they done her wrong.

Poor Min, poor Min, poor Minnie

Malheureusement, je ne connais aucun enregistrement comportant l'intégralité des paroles. Si jamais l'un d'entre vous en a entendu parlé, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.

A noter, originellement, la chanson s'appelait "Poor Minnie The Moocher"... et les derniers couplets sont là pour le prouver !
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